First Aid

Outdoor First Aid 16hrs

This very practical course focuses on giving you the skills and confidence to be able to help in the Outdoors if something goes wrong. This is a regulated Level 3 Award in Outdoor First Aid and meets the requirements of all the main NGB's.

This is a practical hands on course with at least 6 hours spent on the hill working through realistic scenarios based on real events.

There is sufficient content in this course to satisfy the requirements of the HSE in respect of Emergency First Aid at Work. An additional certificate can be provided to evidence this to an employer.

Outdoor Emergency First Aid 8hrs

If you want to know the basics of First Aid but time is limited then this one day course is ideal. A mix of practical, theory and reinforced learning will send you away with not just the skills - but the confidence to help.

Where an organisation’s risk assessment of First Aid needs identifies that there is a requirement for Emergency First Aid at Work practitioners, then this national Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid  satisfies the requirements of the regulatory body for First Aid - the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

EmergencyFirst Aid at Work 

Some people attending our Outdoor First Aid 16+ hrs course might lso want an Emergency First Aid at Work qualification - we can combine these two courses (you'll need to do an extra hour of tuitiion on Day 1) for a small fee to cover the additional certificate.

For many individuals they're able to then ask an employer to contribute to the overall course cost)


Not found what you're looking for?

We appreciate that you may have some specific First Aid requirements. Mountain Services are able to put together specific training modules to meet your requirements. We also offer:

  • Catastrophic Bleed Management - a must have if you work in forestry, glazing, construction....
  • Pediatric First Aid - if you work around young people its vital to know and understand the differences.
  • Expedition First Aid. - Sometimes help isn't coming anytime soon. If you're heading to the remote placers then get in touch & we can discuss your needs & what you'll want to know.

Get in touch to discuss your needs

If you've taken a look round the site & you're still not sure - that's cool drop us a line and we can have a chat